Most people attend puppy school or dog training classes on a weekly visit basis. But it is possible to send your puppy or older dog away for residential training with a professional trainer. Whether that is a good idea or not will depend on your circumstances and what you want to get out of the experience. But the only way to make the right decision, is to understand exactly what is involved.
- What happens when you send your dog away for training
- Costs and time
- Disadvantages and risks
- Does residential dog training work?
Today I’ll share the pros and cons of sending a dog away for training. I’ll be asking some important questions such as ‘does sending a dog away for training actually work’ and ‘what can you expect to get for your money’.
The appeal of sending a puppy to dog training school
Time is very short. We all lead busy lives. Many of us ‘buy’ extra time, by delegating. Paying or persuading others to carry out part of our own task load.
To some, the idea of sending a puppy or older dog away for residential training is unacceptable. But for those that have little spare time, or a challenging dog, or who feel daunted by the whole puppy training process, there can be considerable appeal in sending junior away for a few weeks.
Delegating can make sense
There is no point in me struggling under the bonnet of my car for three days, surrounded by instruction manuals, when I can pay a mechanic to do the same job in a couple of hours. But what about training the dog? Is this something we could, or should delegate?
After all, what could be nicer than packing an unruly hound off to school, and welcoming a well-mannered pup home a few weeks later. It could be a great relief all round.
Are there any drawbacks to sending your dog away for training? What if the scenario you envisage is not necessarily be what takes place?
It is important to know what goes on at doggy boot camps, how successful they are in reforming the four legged rascals that are sent to them, and what if any risks there are in entrusting your beloved pet to a total stranger.
What will happen to my puppy at dog camp
The first big change for your puppy when he arrives at most centers will be that he will spend the next few weeks living in kennels. A few trainers with a small establishment may keep their guests in the home, but usually this won’t be practical. So boarding in kennels is the norm.
It will take your dog a few days to settle into the new routine of life in kennels, but most dogs do adapt fairly quickly. Your dog will receive at least one, possibly two or three, training sessions each day. Sometimes with the same trainer, though in a large establishment he may be trained by more than one person.
He may also spend some time in an exercise yard, possibly with other dogs if he is friendly. Then he’ll be returned to his kennel where he will probably sleep until meal time or the next training session.
How much will residential dog training cost?
Most residential training kennels charge the going rate for boarding, and then an added fee on top for training. Costs can vary widely but rest assured, this is not going to be a cheap arrangement. You could be looking at $1000 per week upwards
How long will it take for puppy school to train my dog
It takes quite a long time to train a dog thoroughly. Several months.
How long your dog will need to stay in school for will depend on what definition of ‘trained’ we are looking at, in other words, what outcome you and your trainer have agreed on.
And it will depend on what bad habits or problems (if any) your dog currently has, and on any specialist training that he needs.
There are ways to hurry the process a little, but they are not usually very pleasant for your puppy.
If your dog is only going to be away for a few weeks, therefore, there is a limit to how much he will learn. And it is important that you find out what you can expect from the trainer before parting with your hard earned cash.
Which dogs is residential training for?
Although some ordinary pet dogs are sent away from training, some of the dogs taken on by doggie boot camps will be there because they have a problem.
Or because they need special training for some kind of sport or activity. Gun dog work for example.
Specialist training may cost more or take longer, and solving behavioral problems can take extra time compared with basic pet dog obedience.
All this needs to be considered because it will affect the length of time your dog will stay away, and it may affect how he is treated and the results you can expect.
Is it a good idea to send your puppy away to school
Now we are getting to the crux of the matter. Is it actually a good idea to send your dog away to school? Would it be better to keep him at home and train him yourself, or get a local trainer to come to your home and help you?
What are the benefits of residential dog training
Unless you are a very experienced dog owner, your trainer is likely to be more skilled and knowledgeable about dogs than you are. He may be able to train more quickly, and more effectively than you. And make fewer mistakes. He may. But not necessarily.
A dog in a residential training center might get more training sessions in a week than he would at home. He might. But again, not necessarily. If he does, this might enable him to make faster progress.
What are the disadvantages of sending your dog away to be trained
Two key disadvantages of residential training are that you won’t be learning alongside your dog. And that the trainer will be limited by time in what he can achieve.
Your competence as a dog handler
There are two aspects to owning an obedient dog, two distinct training journeys going on when a dog is being trained by a novice dog owner.
- The first is the dog’s journey from unschooled puppy, to mature, obedient dog.
- The second is your journey from novice dog owner, to competent dog handler.
The main problem with sending a dog away to be trained is that only one of these journeys is addressed. Your dog’s.
All dog owners are trainers
You may say “I don’t want to be an experienced dog handler, I just want a well behaved dog” but the truth is, unless you learn to be at least competent handling a dog, it doesn’t matter how well trained your dog is, you’re probably not going to cope.
When you send a dog away to be trained, the journey you need to make, to become competent at managing and handling your dog, and dealing with inevitable holes that appear in training from time to time, has not been addressed at all.
Nor will you be equipped to solve the problems that will arise in the future.
How thorough can residential training be?
The other problem is that dog training is a long process. There are no effective short cuts. And whilst basic behaviors such as ‘sit’, and ‘down’ are child’s play to teach to a dog. They are a good deal more complex to proof or make reliable.
The long and short of it is that anyone who says they have trained your dog in a matter of weeks, is not giving you the whole story. Having a dog thoroughly trained by a professional takes months and requires deep pockets.
What does proof mean?
To proof a behavior, you make sure that the dog understands it is a wide variety of different contexts. So in different locations, for different lengths of time, and in the presence of various different distractions.
A proofed ‘sit’ for example, is a sit cue (command) that your dog will obey outside the mall, on the beach, at a fairground, in your friend’s garden – as well as at home in your kitchen, or in your professional trainer’s yard.
Getting out and about with a dog in training
Dogs aren’t very good at applying something learnt in one location, to other locations. And this means getting out and about with dogs and rehearsing their training in all kinds of situation.
It is this ‘proofing process’ that takes the time.
How much time you need to spend proofing different aspects of training and in different contexts will depend on your dog and his preferences for entertainment.
If his passion is for playing with other dogs, and you have to walk your dog daily in a busy public park, proofing is going to be a big deal for you.
A basic level of training
When you send a dog away for training, the chances are, he will only have been trained to a basic level. There will be more work to do. Some proofing may have been done, depending on the length of time he has been away. But the bulk of the ‘proofing’ will be down to you to do, when you get him home.
Now if you had done the basic training yourself, you would at least have an idea of how to go forward with proofing your dog’s obedience. Without that experience, you have a bigger challenge ahead of you.
Because the truth is, proofing is the hard part of training. That’s right, the bit you pay for, is the easy part. You might want to think about that for a bit.
The final, and perhaps most important part of this whole issue, and the thing most people need to consider above all others, is what can happen to your dog whilst he is away.
What are the risks of residential training?
An incompetent trainer can do a lot of damage. The potential for damage is far greater if the dog is out of your sight. Remember that anyone can call themselves a professional dog trainer. There is a vast range of abilities amongst those taking payment for dog training in the USA and elsewhere today.
There are plenty of good trainers, some absolutely brilliant trainers, and some very bad trainers indeed. Sometimes, it only becomes apparent which type of trainer you are dealing with when training is underway.
It can be difficult to know how to distinguish between trainers in a puppy class you attend yourself, if you are yourself inexperienced. It is well nigh impossible if you aren’t there to observe.
Once your dog is on the trainer’s premises you have absolutely no control over how he is treated.
Different approaches to training
Modern dog training methods are kind, humane, and great fun for dogs. They teach dogs to make great choices, and to want to please and to work with, their owners. But the sad truth is, not everyone who trains dogs for a living is using them.
There are still many trainers using old fashioned forceful and painful techniques to get dogs to respond to their commands. This means that your dog may be choked, electrocuted, or beaten, and you won’t have any idea until you get him back. If at all.
What should you expect when your dog returns
A dog trained using modern methods will be excited about training sessions. He will want to be with you and to work with you, at home. But may need more practice at behaving in public. He will be enthusiastic in responding to the commands your trainer tells you he has taught him.
Your trainer will have advised you on how to motivate and reward your dog, and spent some time with you going through what he has been doing and what you can expect from your dog in certain situations.
He will also be honest about what you need to do next.
A dog trained using painful or intimidating methods is likely to be cowed and submissive when he first comes home.
He may be very obedient at first but will soon figure out that you are not about to beat him into submission. Because he hasn’t learned to make good choices, he will probably quite soon revert to his old bad habits
Does sending your dog away for training work
Does residential training work? That is the six million dollar question isn’t it? The answer is it can do. But that there will be more work required on your part when your dog comes home.
And your ability to do this work effectively will be hampered by the fact that you have not been involved in the training process in the first place.
For most pet dogs, the advantages to being professionally trained on a residential basis are likely to be outweighed by the disadvantages
Even the busiest pet owner is likely to benefit from having their dog trained locally on a session by session basis with the owner taking part in at least some of these sessions.
Exceptions to the rule
There are a few situations where it may be better for a dog to have a period of professional residential training.
This will normally be where a dog needs training that requires special facilities that are not available on a local basis.
Sporting dog training
Gun dog training is one example of specialist training that requires equipment and facilities you may struggle to find locally.
Gun dogs need to learn to be steady to game and gunshot for example, and you may not have the facilities to do this.
But you also need to exercise some caution here, before sending your dog away, as gun dog training is also one of the last bastions of traditional force based training methods in the USA and UK
If you live in the USA and do not wish your dog to be force fetch or e-collar trained you need to be very clear on this and very careful where you send your dog.
Elsewhere, aversives are widely used in gun dog training so this is something you need to consider. There are some professional force free gundog trainers but they are few and far between.
How to find a pet dog trainer
If you are looking for pet dog training, you are in a better position. Many pet dog trainers now use modern, effective and kind, training methods.
If you do decide to send your dog away for training, make sure that your trainer is a member of an organisation that requires its members to use positive reinforcement training. In the USA Victoria Stillwell runs a network of positive reinforcement trainers. In the UK the Association of Pet Dog Trainers is the organisation you need.
Members of the APDT in the UK, are committed to training without force and this will offer your dog some protection from old fashioned or abusive methods.
Will You Be Sending Your Dog Away For Training?
Sending your dog away from training can be a tempting prospect. But you need to be careful and weigh up the pros and the cons. In many cases private one to one lessons will be a better alternative.
Perhaps you want to send your dog away because you don’t like the idea of being trapped in a hall with twenty other people and their dogs. Or because the times of the classes don’t fit in with your work schedule?
If you hate the idea of attending a training class with a lot of strangers, and many people do, consider arranging some 1 to 1 lessons with a professional dog trainer.
One to ones can also be arranged to take place at your convenience. Some trainers will travel to your home.
At least this way, you have some control over what is going on. And can observe the effects of his methods on your dog.
Different approaches for different people
Sending a dog away for training does work for some families. Especially if the training requires specialist facilities. But it can result in disappointment, and even harm.
You won’t know what is happening to your dog, and you may find it hard to manage your trained dog when he returns.
This is quite different from attending a dog training class where you can observe what is going along, and if necessary, vote with your feet.
You may also find that your dog is not as well trained as you’d hoped, when you finally get him home.
Philip G Muro says
I sent my puppy Vinny away to be trained. Today is day two and I am having second thoughts. My wife says I am being ridiculous, and he will be a better dog for it. The facility seems ok, and the owner was a marine and trained dogs in the military. My puppy has to be away 4 weeks and we get to go two times a week to train with him. They are also going to send pictures of his ridiculous. Do you think I am being ridiculous? IS there any advice you can give me. This morning i wanted to just go pick him up but I am trying to be rational.
Preeti Joseph says
Did it work at all Phillip? I am just about to send my 2 year old really anxious boy for some training as he nips and lunges from fear aggression. I would appreciate hearing your post training experience
Luke Smith says
It’s nice that you talked about how it takes quite a long time to train a dog thoroughly. Our pet dog likes to misbehave, so I think he needs to be trained now. I heard there are dog boarding training services now, so maybe we should ask for it for our pet dog.
Eli Richardson says
My wife and I adopted a puppy recently, but nothing we do seems to help him learn how to behave around kids and at home, so we’re ready to explore our options. We’re glad you described different training options for dogs and how they’d take place at your home or in another location, so we’ll read this carefully before making a choice. We appreciate your insight on how we’d hire a trainer to travel to our home to have better control over our pet’s training process.
Cynthia Smith says
Need to send my 6 months German sherpard . He needs to be trained in barking and come seat without running away
Kelly Brown says
Thanks for sharing these informative pros and cons of sending the dog away for training.
Cynthia Smith says
He is a sweetheart smart. At 6 months just isn’t listening
Chris Pederson says
I have no time to train my German Shepherd, Rocky, because I am working all the time. He likes people a lot so I think he would do well being trained by strangers. I liked how you said that sending him away for a few weeks could be a good way for him to get the full puppy training experience.
Teqxan says
Something that people need to think about and understand, a puppy needs at least 100 sit commands to really grasp the command and 1000 to start to master it. That applies to any command and the more complex demand and situation the more times the command has to be given until it is learned. This doesn’t even get into the breeds temperament. Also if only one family member is training the dog then the dog is not going to respond the same to the other family member. They may sit, but will they stay. Children need to participate as well.
The same thing can be true of rescued dogs. You have to establish a bond with the dog and learn what commands it knows and teach it the ones that it lacks.
The other thing to remember is to keep a command simple. One word if possible. Down (lay). Sit. Off. Up. Halt (stop, stay, and wait). Okay (yes or go). No. Then you get into trick commands.
Victoria Addington says
I am thinking of sending my three-month-old German Shepherd to a dog training school. I had no idea that it takes quite a while for my dog to be trained. Perhaps it takes several months for him. With that, I’ll find a dog academy that would allow me to go for frequent visits so that I’d be able to see him train.
Daphne Gilpin says
Thanks for explaining that our dog will probably get to spend time with other dogs at the camp, if they’re friendly. My husband and I are thinking about getting a dog for our daughter soon, but we don’t want to deal with training him ourselves. I’m glad I read your article because you helped me better understand training camps and why they’re a good option for dogs!
Dean Phillips says
I thought it was great how you said that more than likely, a dog trainer will be able to train your dog more quickly and effectively than you. My wife and I recently bought a new dachshund puppy and he has been destroying a lot of our furniture and refusing to listen to commands. It may be good for us to find a dog training facility that can help teach him good habits.
Venetia Bride says
I am so, so sad that my brother & wife bought a very expensive Goldendoodle it was with them 2-3 weeks and because it scratched them, they sent the 9-week old pup away to a trainer who uses a tens unit to correct bad behavior at a cost of 3500.00. I put a post on Facebooks: Standard Poodles, asking for their opinion on this event. The posts went wild with people that own Standard Poodles responding NO, within 10 minutes over 100 posts and if I check again I am sure people are still posting. Evidently, this is not humane.
Sandy L Brown says
What’s the longest you keep a puppy to fully train?
Amanda Drew says
Thanks for explaining that proofing means that your dog will know and understand the training in a number of different contexts and locations. I’ve recently gotten a border collie named Plume, and I want to train her so that she could come out hunting with me and my brother. It seems like we should find someone who could train her so that she’ll be comfortable and safe in that sort of environment.
Becca Holton says
My husband finally agreed that we could get a dog. However, his only condition is that we get it trained as soon as possible. Having our dog professionally trained sounds like a good idea, especially after you mentioned it’ll be quicker and more effective.
Lynn Hackl says
Hi Pippa~
I have been training at home since November. I have done ok, my pup knows sit stay down wait and come. However, upon walking, is easily distracted and lunges at other dogs (not mean, but to play). Neighbors were annoyed, so I sent her for 3 weeks of distraction and dog playing training. My question is: after 3 weeks will Bella still know me? I am missing her terribly and afraid she’ll be bored with just me (retired) after being so busy and having fun with other pups. Sad and I’m at week 1!
Patricia says
My situation is so similar! Took puppy, got well with house training and basic obedience, but on walks puppy seems to be thinking it’s walking alone, lounging, jumping and barking and I think it’s getting more and more scared of walks. Tried redirection and desensitizing but I think I am too frustrated and resigned now to conquer this myself. Puppy is going for residential training in days now and I’m really worried if it was a good idea. I know it’s been years since you posted but would love to hear how it worked for you!
Maureen says
Never never never send your dogs away to any training camp. Dog and owners should be trained together. The dogs need to learn commands and the owners need to learn about their dogs and how and when to give the correct commands. What’s the point in training the dog if the owner isn’t being trained as well. How do you bond with your dog if you send it away to be trained. Training is a good bonding experience. Don’t be a lazy dog owner. You don’t send you kids away so why would you send your pets away.
Max Hedrom says
We do send our kids away to be trained….its called school.
Dennis says
Apparently you are misinformed and unaware of how that type of training works. Once your dog comes home the trainer will spend up to 3 hours with the owner on exactly how to handle your dog with the new commands, rewards ect. No dog will be fully trained in a few weeks. It is your job to continue the new training and skills taught to you by the trainer. This is to ensure that they do not continue with bad habits and get confused and frustrated because you the owner do not know what to do. They will teach you how to handle your dog with supervision and advise. Hope that clarifys your opinion.
Peggy says
I have sent mine and fixing to send my 5 month old to same trainers they are very good and had wonderful outcome from it mine also have anxiety and my 5 month old is scared of everything until she gets use to you she will not come near and hides it sad really she was the last of the littler and hid under her dad and stuck to him like glue is is now use to us but taking her anywhere other than a walk she is nervous
Anne says
To puppy / dog owners who are considering hiring a private trainer or using a residential training program…
I have clients who are frustrated that their giant breed 6 mos old puppy is still so hard to handle when taken for walks.
Their 3 yr old (same breed) also trained by me is becoming less responsive to them as the puppy gets older….something they were cautioned would happen unless they participated in the training process by doing lessons and practicing what the dogs are learning…
My frustration is getting the owners to keep scheduled lessons so they are learning as their puppy learns has been impossible – and motivating them to practice the training exercises has fallen flat.
I use play training motivational positive reward based methods with an emphases on behavioral management strategies relative to age appropriate needs.
I see both dogs 5 days a week even though they are only on my schedule for 3 days – I do this in the effort to give the pup more consistency as well as supporting her owners who are highly successful with intense business schedules who have very full social calendars and fill in the gaps with domestic and international self enrichment travel.
The dogs (6 mos old / 3 yr old same breed) are left to be cared for by their house keeper who takes them home with her at night.
Both dogs are FUN to work with and both do well in their perspective programs. But sadly, they are good with me and goofy happy dogs with everyone else.
Without owner participation plus the inconsistency of whatever whoever is taking care of them does (or doesn’t do) I have essentially become the dog walker….
I pick the dogs up every day and work (teach / train / socialize / proof) in 3 different types locations – park, downtown, Home Depot / Starbucks / around elementary schools….
The owners just returned from a 3 week trip to Africa. Home one day they now are inquiring about what the dogs have learned while they were on their trip…
I am meeting with them to tell them that my training program is not a fit for them.
I do not know how to train a dog to reliability in performance or to create a bonded relationship for owners who are not able or willing to participate in the training process. Inconsistent training, inconsistent results.
Their owners schedule lessons but always with the exception of 3 times, cancel. The owners says she will be home late mornings so I can take the puppy out without the other dog but this has simply not happened.
If I take one dog out now without the other…well…this is only leading to problem behavior left unchecked for the dog that’s left behind. Yes…I DO use enrichment toys / objects (busy brain activities) for the one left on its own…but these are effective for about 15 minutes or not used until our return. The owners were informed that not taking them out one at a time could lead to other challenges.
I ask the dog owners that may be reading this, may be looking for ideas for which training approach is best for you, this is a professional dog trainer who would LOVE your dog and be committed to positive solutions and results for YOU. Because if you win we all win.
But you have to participate. Like the lottery – talking about winning is all talk. You have to buy the ticket and then you have to check the numbers on your ticket.
I am heart broken as I love these dogs – ALL of “my” dogs in fact and their people too.
I have been working professionally with people and their dogs since 1993. Group classes, private and residential.
All dogs, all ages, from companion to agility and private service. This is not a hobby and I’ve never advertised for clients.
At the end of the day, as a self employed trainer, my reputation is all I have.
Sadly it is time for me to walk away from these very special girls. Perhaps I’ve aged out and it’s time to retire.
Your comments are appreciated and I wish you all success!
Remember – real dog trainers don’t need pinch collars!
Madison Weckbaugh says
Thank you…and I’m sorry!
I just brought home an adorable, and very busy boy border collie. 🙂 He has the sweetest disposition and yet….4 days into this with him at 12 weeks and I am starting to see the rabbit hole I might fall in. Hence my research.
I deeply appreciate your point of view. It has reinforced my instinct that my puppy is my responsibility and so we both need a trainer lol…tis true.
Any who, just wanted to acknowledge your heart felt, and very clear, informative message. (And to let you know it mattered for you helped us)
Madison & Buddha
Helen says
I recently bought a husky and need help I started puppy classes today but am overwhelmed my dog gets excited on walk when meeting other dogs I’m afraid I won’t be Abel to stop this now people are already avoiding me when they see me coming and I can’t sleep because I want to help my dog and myself
ron says
I just sent my puppy away for doggie boot camp. I hope she learns basic manners, but remember me when I pick her up. The facility was clean and appears very organized and puppy I saw last training looked happy. I did not see any abuse
SO finger and toes crossed until 1/28/17.
Rhinna Guevarra says
Hi Ron, How’d your puppy do? Was there a difference? Our 5mos old Golden Labradoodle is scheduled to go away on Monday. I’m curious how it went for you pup. Pls do let me know…thank you –
John says
Hi Pippa,
Thank you so much for this article and for all of the helpful advice on your site. I am the proud owner of a 4 month old male black Labrador Retriever named Ollie. We received Ollie from a reputable breeder in Maryland, U.S.A. My significant other and I have tried our best to devote ample time to training Ollie, and his obedience level at this point is moderate. He does still get distracted by different environments on a regular basis, and is continually learning as we actively socialize him with both humans and other dogs.
My significant other and I are fourth year medical students and we will be graduating from medical school this coming May. To celebrate this occasion, we will be traveling to Europe from April 2 to April 17 of this year. So the tough question is – what to do with Ollie?
We have decided to pursue residential training with the breeder who raised Ollie. He runs a month long basic obedience course, so Ollie will return to the Pet Resort where he spent most of the first 8 weeks of his life. In addition, he will be able to see the human breeders who raised him as a little pup and also his canine mother and father. In considering all of the possible options, I feel that this satisfies multiple requirements (i.e. boarding and basic obedience training in an emotionally safe environment for Ollie). I plan to reach out this week to ensure that the breeder/trainer will use only positive reinforcement methods – as this has been our approach (largely thanks to your articles).
I must say I am a bit worried – not so much about Ollie’s safety/well-being or the success of the training month, but more about losing the special bond we have formed with Ollie since we received him. We will spend multiple days at the training facility upon our return to work with Ollie and his trainer, hopefully beginning the process of “proofing” which we are committed to carrying out in the months following his training. My biggest concern is that he will spend 3 weeks without us, and the possible negative impact this may have on our owner-puppy relationship.
I would truly appreciate your thoughts on the above situation. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
All the best.
Pippa says
Hi John, it’s natural to worry about leaving your young puppy for three weeks. I really can’t tell you what the impact on your puppy will be without personally knowing the people you are leaving him with, but if he is well cared for, being apart from you for three weeks should not harm him. As long you are happy about the care he will receive then it seems reasonable for you to go and enjoy your special holiday and try not to worry. 🙂