Dare to be different by choosing one of these totally unique dog names for your new pet. Today we’ll share distinctive dog names, inspired by quirky modern pop culture to eccentric high end trends. Our themed names lists include classic vintage styles too, and ideas for thinking up your own one of a kind monikers. Whether you’ve got a popular pup like a Labrador, Yorkie or Chihuahua, or you’re naming a rare breed like an Otterhound, Azawakh or Beauceron, these themed names lists will give you the perfect moniker for your companion.
- Unique boy dog names
- Unique girl dog names
- Retro and vintage names
- Uniquely creative ideas
- Themed inspiration
*The products linked in this post were carefully selected by The Happy Puppy Site. If you decide to purchase using the links provided, we may earn a small commission on that sale. This is at no extra cost to you.
There are some sensible rules to follow when naming a new dog which will help them learn their name and come when they’re called. Like picking a word that has two or three syllables, strong consonant sounds and long, soft vowels. Or choosing a name that doesn’t sound like anyone else’s in the family, or any of the commands you’ll want your dog to learn! But that doesn’t mean you have to pick something traditional. We’ll dive into nature, travel, history, big brands, places and even architecture to find the perfect personalized and unique dog names for you.
Unique Female Dog Names
This list of pet names is perfect for your furry little girl. Unusual girl names can make for truly weird dog names. Ones that gives your puppy that wow factor. Check out this list of eclectic girls names:
- Adrianna
- Aja
- Alia
- Alice
- Amanda
- Aria
- Ava
- Beena
- Betty
- Bronwyn
- Catia
- Catie
- Chatty
- Dana
- Deena
- Delila
- Ellie
- Emmy
- Farrah
- Felicia
- Fifi
- Fiona
- Flicka
- Gale
- Heather
- Heaven
- Jenny
- Kaia
- Kala
- Lilly
- Lolly
- Loula
- Lulu
- Malia
- Mooka
- Navia
- Nena
- Nyla
- Polly
- Princess
- Priya
- Raven
- Reena
- Sally
- Sara
- Sheena
- Thera
- Vivi
- Zee
Unique Male Dog Names
The most unique boy names can come from genuine human names. As long as they aren’t run of the mill! These unusual boy names aren’t very popular right now, or in some cases aren’t even names at all!
- Albertus
- Angus
- Ayden
- Boomer
- Brett
- Brownie
- Bryan
- Casper
- Curtis
- Dan
- Daniel
- Dart
- Donny
- Dragon
- Drew
- Eagle
- Egan
- Emerson
- Flyer
- Frankie
- Gazer
- Goofy
- Gordy
- Growler
- Hank
- Hansen
- Happy
- Henry
- Horace
- Jayson
- Jeffrey
- Jeremy
- Jessie
- Joey
- Katerina
- Legend
- Lemmy
- Levar
- Lolliepop
- Mookie
- Paulie
- Quick
- Rafael
- Richie
- Scout
- Simba
- Speedy
- Titan
- Trusty
- Tyra
Retro Female Dog Names
Looking a little way back in history is another nice way to think up random animal names. Try these vintage dog names for girls on for size!
- Judith
- Patricia
- Betty
- Sandra
- Barbara
- Carol
- Susan
- Nancy
- Maria
- Agnes
- Edith
- Linda
Vintage Male Dog Names
- Ronald
- Dennis
- Jerry
- Dave
- Harrold
- Roy
- Albert
- Norman
- Russell
- Glenn
- Ray
- Bernard
What Makes Your Dog Unique?
Unique dog names can be hard to find. Because everyone likes to be different, standing out can be a challenge. One way to approach the task is to take a look at your dog. Ask yourself some questions about them, and jot down the answers. Use these features, thoughts or general musings to pick out a name that matches your dog perfectly, and that no other dog has!
What makes them special? Is it their color or size? Do they have any interesting markings? Is there something about their personality, or the way they act? Do they respond well to certain actions or words? All of these things can give clues as to what might be a good name for them! Every dog is unique, just like every owner is unique in their preferences and style.
Creative Dog Names
Non human names make for some of the most playful dog names. Using your dog as inspiration can help you to find rare dog names. But lots of breeds are very similar to each other, which can make that trickier.
Another cool way to find more uncommon dog names is to pick a general topic area and run with it. Here are some themes that you might like to use as your starting point to find your very own creative dog names. It’s also a great way to come up with more unisex dog names as they aren’t so gender specific.
- Names inspired by nature
- Big Brands
- Countries, States or Cities
- Famous People from History
- Rivers and Oceans
- Wild Animals
- Buildings and Architecture
Unique Names from Nature
The natural world is a wonderful place to get inspired for weird animal names. See if any of these unique pet names take your fancy:
- Grass
- Forest
- Lava
- Meadow
- Daffodil
- Stream
- Granite
- Fir
- Ocean
- Desert
- Magma
- Dandelion
- Delta
- Igneous
- Oak
- Blizzard
- Storm
- Birch
- Earth
Big Brands
One popular way to find good animal names is to use the already very aesthetic names of common brands. Like Heinz or Cadbury! These make for interesting names, but also involve words that are familiar and therefore have a nice ring to them.
- Heinz
- Cola
- Nike
- Apple
- Pepsi
- Kellogg
- Ford
- Crest
- Avon
- Wrigley
- Bing
- Jeep
Countries, States or Cities
Great dog names can come from great places. Ones that mean something to you or just have rare names that you wouldn’t often hear! The names of countries, states or cities also have the benefit of providing unisex pet names, suitable for boys or girls.
- Cairo
- Dakota
- Utah
- Paris
- Vermont
- Rome
- Maine
- Baku
- Ohio
- Washington
- London
- Dili
Famous People from History
When i was thinking up inspirational names for my new pets recently I looked at historical characters I find fill me with joy. And one of the great things about looking at majestic names from history is that they also make aesthetic boy names and girls names.
- Winston Churchill
- Marie Curie
- Charles Darwin
- Florence Nightingale
- Galileo
- Mary Seacole
- Nikola Tesla
- Mae Jemison
- Louis Pasteur
- Mary Anning
- Aristotle
- Amelia Earhart
Rivers and Ocean Names
You can find a huge range of different dog names by looking towards the sea. These uncommon names are also incredibly beautiful in many cases. And because a lot of these words have a feminine feel they can make more unique male names too.
- Delta
- Quay
- Tide
- Ripples
- Waves
- Foam
- Oxbow
- Levee
- Salty
- Flow
- Ebb
- Eddie
Wild Animal Names
Using animal names for dogs is a great way to find odd names that still fit your pet well. These cute animal names are some of our favorite wild creatures, and include some unusually weird animal names and nicknames too!
- Okapi
- Coati
- Wolverine
- Bear
- Hippo
- Rhino
- Stag
- Emu
- Roo
- Gator
- Croc
- Fox
Buildings and Architecture Names
Some of the most extraordinary boy names and girls names can be inspired by amazing landmarks. These cool pet names are taken from the most impressive features made by human hands.
- Spire
- Steeple
- Cornice
- Parapet
- Gable
- Terrace
- Portico
- Facade
- Lattice
- Turret
- Frame
- Arch
Best Unique Dog Names
You can use name lists to find unique dog names, because these can be a springboard for other ideas. Note down the ones you like best, then reach for some synonyms or words in the same category to find names for animals that are truly your own style.
- Briar
- Astro
- Clifford
- Twyla
- Moon
- River
- Poet
- Twister
- Crush
- Orion
- Wicker
- Minuet
- Beef
- Trust
- Oswald
- Eclipse
- Cherub
- Mixie
- Ursa
- Alba
Cute Unique Dog Names
Of course, if you want to be a little more unique you can always use the unique female dog names for your little boy, and vice versa. But another great way to name your pup is with a cute rare dog name. And you can be adorable and still fairly unique. Some of the most unique names for dogs can be after a place or thing, or even an action. We have thought of a neat selection that we’re sharing with you here:
- Annie
- Bear
- Biggie
- Boo
- Brady
- Candy
- Chips
- Chow
- Cuddles
- Daniella
- Darwin
- Dixon
- Dorian
- Dwayne
- Erikah
- Evie
- Flicker
- Fluff
- Gemmy
- Ginger
- Hannah
- Harmony
- Ilona
- Jade
- Jeannine
- Joanie
- Kayden
- Kola
- Kringle
- Luke
- Luna
- Marnie
- Melissa
- Mellie
- Mikey
- Molly
- Moo
- Mouse
- Myanda
- Numa
- Opal
- Panda
- Pooka
- Prentiss
- Puddles
- Sam
- Sandy
- Shaggy
- Shasta
- Shayne
- Shotzie
- Stacia
- Tara
- Tater
Cool Unique Dog Names
Cute names are great for some people, but others might want to give across a bit of a different image with edgy names. And if you are after something unique, I am willing to bet that you’d like it to be cool. Chill names can be inspired by anything that you find totally awesome. This list compiles both unique female and unique dog names male dogs can be named after.
- Amadio
- Apollo
- Barker
- Barkley
- Billy
- Blaze
- Boomer
- Braden
- Brett
- Chavez
- Chelsey
- Cristy
- Cruz
- Davey
- Dustin
- Eamon
- Eddy
- Eduardo
- Francis
- Goober
- Greg
- Harris
- Hayden
- Ivan
- Jake
- James
- Jamie
- Joel
- Johnny
- Kim
- Kimmie
- Krista
- Kristen
- Amir
- Kuma
- Lenita
- Lewis
- Leyla
- Lindy
- Lottie
- Mac
- Marty
- Nyx
- Oakley
- Pablo
- Petey
- Pixel
- Priya
- Rachel
- Roller
- Saroshi
- Scotty
- Susie
- Vixen
- Windy
- Xavier
- Yanni
- Zoltan
Fun Dog Names
Not a fan of any of those? Then think about your favorite hobby, tv series or movie and go from there for inspiration for weird dog names! Naming your dog should be fun. Here is a list of some of our top cool sounding names for fun dogs:
- Andrea
- Bestie
- Blackie
- Breezy
- Budda
- Carlo
- Clancy
- Dale
- Dar
- Forrest
- Gia
- Girlie
- Gnome
- Heaven
- Higgins
- Hogan
- Holden
- Hope
- Horatio
- Hunter
- Isaac
- Jemma
- Jenner
- Jobie
- Kaleo
- Kayden
- Kayla
- Kianna
- Lars
- Lion
- Logan
- Melon
- Nora
- Ollie
- Oscar
- Pony
- Pride
- Puma
- Riodan
- Rydan
- Schaefer
- Sergio
- Shawna
- Starr
- Steph
- Stevie
- Tank
- Taz
- Tony
- Trust
- Tyrone
- Wags
- Walter
- Will
- Willie
- Wren
Unusual Dog Names
Let’s face it, it’s tough to be unique. But it certainly isn’t an impossible task. Another great option is to use a traditional name, but a rarer one, or one with an unusual twist. Check out these unusual dog name ideas and see if anything leaps off the screen at you!
- Abi
- Alicia
- Andy
- Annabelle
- Antonia
- Arianna
- Avery
- Baby
- Bonita
- Bronco
- Bustle
- Cheech
- Cherry
- Cozy
- Dakota
- Duster
- Fisher
- Foster
- Grover
- Gus
- Hal
- Henry
- Hobo
- Jerry
- Keyster
- Lana
- Livvy
- Lotus
- Louie
- Maizie
- Mickey
- Larry
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pierre
- Ragin
- Raider
- Roby
- Sameer
- Tails
- Titi
- Wagger
- Winter
mike creque says
I am a 72 year old male that just purchased a 3 mo. old miniature schnauzer. He is unusually white for his breed. So, I have thought of Cubby, Twister,,,
,your ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Cynthia says
I had two Shih Tzus, a boy and a girl. My little girl was named BooBoo. My little boy was named BubbaLou.
Years ago, my family had two male Yorkies. When we got the first one, he was named Charm. When we got the second one, it seemed fitting to call him
Mascotas says
I have a golden retriever and his name is Dartagnan. the name of my next dog will be Aramis, all musketeers!!! 🙂
Mia says
I am getting a sesame shiba in 8 weeks time, he is so gorgeous. I LOVE the name crumpet for him, but my partner isn’t convinced at all 🙁
Anyone suggest some other cute silly names?
madison says
doggodoggo says
Hey everyone! My family and I are adopting a little female golden doodle and are having trouble agreeing on a name. She is a light brown color with a bit of a reddish hint. She also is very talkative/squeaky. Any suggestions??
Dianne says
My Goldens were are sweet dogs I will tell you their names
Abigale Rose
Stella Rose
Rachelle says
Hey guys. I am stumped, ive purchased a merle girl corgi/aussie (more corgi blood line) she is 5 days old now. Ive went through so many names in my head and cant find one I like. The ones ive did like are Callie, Lexi, willow. I may just have to wait til she is older, cause everyone knowz how corgis are, very intelligent corky spunky.
I have another puppy coming end of summer she is mostly Aussie, i fell in love with Dakota.. I was hoping that i could find a name in similar lines of Dakota..
Any suggestions??
Wendy says
We had a sweet girl named Cali. I still love that name. At the same time we had a sweet and fun pup named Tia. We spelled Cali
nate says
i am getting a merle whoodle puppy in a few weeks and you family is looking for a cute unique name but we cant decide on one. she is a girl by the way.
Holly says
Name her Piper.
Skylar Cupp says
I am getting a Vizsla and im not sure of the gender yet but i need help with some good names.
Mara says
Edith D says
Dogs2cats says
Kam says
Anoku (Darkness in japanese)
Kiza ( K- I- ZA)
Sodapop or Ponyboy(outsiders)
Holly says
Name it Georgie
ESD says
Charles P says
names of Dogs ive had
Butch Jessey Raphael
Hey Mister
Bean Weaver
Sabastian #7 (7th in the litter)
Sabrina says
I want to get a rottie next year and I have two names I like but I wanna hear more suggestions. The names I have are Scarlet or Santiago, one for each gender
Melanie Northern says
Sampson delilah
Tank Harley
Nitro asia
Velvetheart says
Jellybean was the name of my Cockapoo that I had for 14 years and passed over “the rainbow bridge” two years ago…the sweetest dog ever…and I always had people tell me what a cute name that was, even at the vet’s office where they hear all kinds of names. He responded to Jellybean and also Jelly, and my friends often referred to him as Mr. Bean or The Beanster. I have never seen Jellybean on any list of dog names though. He was white with gray ears and gray tail and leaned more toward the poodle look than the Cocker Spaniel. Other than my children, he was the love of my life. I still have tears when I think of him.
Linda says
Jenna says
I am getting a female black and white border collie puppy with one blue eye in a few weeks and we can’t agree on a name. Any ideas?
Doglove says
Ocean is a cute name!
Kerry Adrichem says
Jack says
Robin Stueckrad says
My best friend for 12+ years named her dog, who has 1 blue eye and 1 yellow eye, Marbles, I think that would be a great name for her although I love the other names, I think Marble or Marbles is an awesome name for her. Please let me know what you end up naming her.
Shawn says
Domino, Deuce, Spade, Chess, Dodger, Shilo, Shadow, Sky…
Deanna Goforth says
Bowie, (beau e) for David Bowie since he had different colored eyes
Marcie says
I am getting a female black and white border collie puppy with one blue eye and we can’t agree on names. Any ideas?
Doglove says
All are great names!
London says
Sky was one of the names I had in mind for my border collie, it seems like a cute name for a dog.
Lori M Fassbinder says
A friend of mine had an blue aussie name Airy. I thought it was a nice name.
Lisa says
Willow Flute
Brittany Raeann Denig says
dog lover says
I am getting a husky puppy soon any names suggestions
Jack says
“Cobalt” (blue eyes?)
Janell Broussard says
Natalie Seybold says
Hello! My family and I are thinking about a little white Maltese puppy. One of my friends just got her sister so we were thinking about maybe getting her. She comes with the name “Trixy” but we don’t really care for that name. My sister, mom and I can never seem to decide on a name we all like. The puppy’s sister’s name is sugar. My sister and I really like the name Daisy but my mom says that she wants something unique. Does anyone have any ideas? If you do I would love to hear them!
Jenny says
I actually think Daisy is cute
D Nell says
Luna is cute and we have a Great Dane named Gatsby, a chocolate lab , Memphis and a kitten Scout.
Lucy says
Hi, i am getting a tiny baby yorkie with eyebrows please help me with a name! i love how you called the great dane Gatsby and the chocolate lab Memphis, so smart! Kind Regards, Lucy
Jack says
“Sacharine” (sic ?)
Meredith Edlin says
Together her sister and her would be sugar cookie
Lynn says
So I’m getting two Pomeranian puppy’s, one boy one girl. But I’m having trouble naming them. If you have any suggestions plz reply to this comment, thx!
Angela says
Hi Lynn, I’m also getting a pomeranian soon! Here are some names I’ve come up with for girls:
I read that dogs associate happiness with short, staccato sounds. Also, I think pomeranians are cute but cool, because of their fox-like appearance. I think these names suit them well! I hope this helps!
Elaine says
Winky for the girl and Dobby for the boy. From Harry Potter.
dehearrydepotter says
imma name my dog that xD. Im a huge potter head.
Ally says
Boy: Felix or Jasper or Theodore (Teddy or Theo as a nickname)
Girl: Honey or Amber or Petunia
Either one: Poppy or Pepper
Hope this helps! 🙂
Elly says
Thanks to you I finally chose my golden retriever a name; Honey. Thanks again!
Elly Cho says
Me too! My 1 year old golden retriever is licking my chromebook right now!
Pat says
My Pom’s name is Teacup.
Jack says
“Ginger” and “snap”;
“Brownie” and “”blondie”;
“Mocha” and “Carmel”;
“Dot” and “Dash”;
“Roy” and Dale”;
“Diamond” and “Silk”;
Theresa` says
My perfect (not) Pom left me 3 years ago. His name was The Baby!! ha Everyone knew it!
Jodie says
I have had many pets over the years and naming is always a chore. Here are some of my names. Hope they help you pick a name!
Cindy – Dobi/Lab mix
Heidi – Rotti/Lab mix
Pugsley – Apricot Pug
Black Jack – Black Pug
Sam – Brittany Spaniel mix
Trixie – black and white Chihuahua
Holly – white Chihuahua
Hazel – tan Chihuahua
Axel – tan and white Chihuahua
Allie – white with tan spots Chihuahua
Saber – blue Pitbull
Cara – Tabby Cat
Sebastian – White DSH Cat
Meeko – Tabby Cat
Bandit – Black and white DSH Cat
Squeaker – black DSH Cat
Chester – Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig
Daisy – Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig
Charlie – Mini Pot Belly Pig
Sweet Pea – Mini Pot Belly Pig
Penny – brown and black Fainting Goat
Oreo – black and white Fainting Goat
Espresso – black Percheron/Thoroughbred cross
Moon Shine, Moon Light, Dusty, Rusty, Caddi, Chevy – chickens
Priscilla, Rocky, Zac, Nikki – Chinchillas
Izzie, Sheila – Cockatiels
Elli Montia says
any ideas for a mini golden doodle
Susie Q says
Josie t says
what about Chance???
Yasmine Jacobs says
Honey, waffles, kiwi, legend, lemon
Yaz says
I’m curious, where did you find your breeder I’ve been dying for a mini golden doodle!!!
Josie t says
who likes chance???
Lydia Summers says
How about Oakley or Annie which I wanna name my dog that!!!
Jack says
Rachael says
We’re picking up our little blue/fawn Chihuahua boy in a couple of weeks and struggling for a name. We already have a border collie called Blue.
Any suggestions, thanks
Tania says
Little Boy
Julie says
Yuck says
Ava says
Baby blue/ boy
Sofia says
J says
Jack says
Nana says
any name ideas for a female, tri-color, micro bully?
Nicole says
* Patches
* Calico and/or Callie
Julie says
freya says
Getting a light brown Cavapoo girl soon, has anyone got any good name suggestions?
addison says
Julie says
Angela says
Dog came with name Wren. Want to change to something close to not confuse her. Help please.
maya says
Julie says
PinkLady says
Lia says
Yaz says
Winn, Finn, Winnie, Winston ?
Judy says
Lulu says
I am getting a red and white border collie puppy. Thinking of calling him Flint, any other ideas for a name?
C J says
Julie says
JAY says
FunnyGuy says
Lol HOPEfully she doesn’t bite you
Amanda says
I am adopting a little 5 pound maltese mix from the shelter and they said he didn’t come with a name. I’m thinking of either Twister or Wicket? I have a 10 year old yorkie named Flick.
Suzesister says
Flick and Wick rhyme so you may confuse the dogs when you call them.
Riley says
Just got a black and white puggle any names?
KING!!!! says
KING becauce of this PE-KING-ESE
wendy says
I’m excited to be awaiting the presence of a new fur-baby. I am getting a male pure white pitbull puppy . I have two other male pits and their names are Levi and Chopper . Would appreciate any suggestions on names for the new addition. To help , I like , strong, unique and different names.
Vik says
How about Zolo?
(Like Solo with a Z)
Curious what you choose. Love white animals! Good luck
Michelle says
Lucy says
We are getting a Dalmatian male puppy just after Christmas and are struggling with a name – we want something with a reason, like pongo or purdita but not too obvious. We like human names but not too human. We are fans of names like Bentley and Barkley but not sure. Any other name ideas?
Becca says
Dalmatians are Croatian. So we picked a Croatian word that meant something to us for our dog’s name. We named her Staza. The Croatian word for trail since we liked hiking. Just an idea for a starting place.
hi says
dolly, lady, bonnie . puddles, rascal, if its a girl then maybe those but boy malcolm and hope is good for a girl too ! n maybe byron or myron 🙂
Emily says
My dog just gave birth to four mini schnauzer pups. 1 boy that black, 2 girls that are black with white, and another girl that is salt and pepper. Any name suggestions? I was thinking of maybe Rudy for one of them and buddy for the boy. But still can’t think of any more
Tami says
Doodle. Lola
Wriggly Shilo
haani says
why would you name a dog wriggly shilo
. says
Kristin Dallas says
Salt, pepper, paprika. A throwback to blues clues
Suzanne says
CC says
Mike B. says
I have had four Chocolate Labradors. My first was Biscuit (RIP). I now have three; Polly, Fern, and Fern’s little daughter Ivy. The Irish Setter I had when I was very young, I called Rufus. I have recently met a Yellow Labrador, which the owners gave the superb name ‘Bosun”.
Terry says
My first dog was a gorgeous male Irish Setter named Callahan
Alicia Miller says
We are adopting a Rescued border collie with 3 legs. We is the sweetest thing ever. We can’t settle of a good unique name for her. Any Suggestions??
Rita Rushing says
Kristin Dallas says
Dennis Grant says
My wife’s auntie adopted a 3 legged cat and called it yard (cos there’s only 3 feet in a yard 😂)
SaphyreMasarati says
Kristen Pentz says
I have a 3 legged Dane, her name is Liberty Ilene ❤️
Shirl says
I like the name Ilean.
It’s different and suiting
Gina Zaragosa says
Trio would be uniqly hers. Not Thio
Let me know if u use that name
PamelA says
My mini poodle was namemmd Chenille. Cuz she was so soft and fluffy. Just passes away at 16 yrs old. Today I got a phantom toy male. Black with vrown markings. Not nsmed yet! Ideas? Thinking Quasar or Onyx.
Adam says
Always loved Deefa.
Deefa Dog..
Kim says
Patrick says
Hi there! We have a brand new Pekingese puppy. He’s a light fawn with white paws , a pink nose and blue eyes. I cant figure out the perfect name for the life of me ! I’d love suggestions !!
Tammy says
L says
Pattie Sanders says
Chloe says
I have a girl boxer Australian shepherd mix and have no idea what to name her. Any suggestions?
Hailey says
Alex Stuart says
Lilly or briley would be adorable!!!
Elizabeth says
I’m getting a pit bull sometime near Christmas. I don’t know the gender yet. Any name suggestions would be appreciated
Ariel says
Delta (girl) Bruin (boy)
Andrea says
April says
I like the name macho for a dog does anyone else?
Safera says
If it’s a female name her Safera. I had a brindle pit with blue. She was a great dog.
madison says
i’m supposed to get a great dane in january i need unique names but also names with meaning for a boy and girl
Andrea says
if it’s white, Zeus would be cute!
laura says
I have a male husky named “Otis” and a female german shepherd named “Layla” (meaning night).
Lori M Fassbinder says
Layla is dark beauty in Arabic. I have a horse named Laela. Of course I had to spell it differently
I think Winston as in Winston Churchill would be cute!
keira G says
We just got a female German Shepherd puppy today and have no clue what to name it. any suggestions?
Kevin says
Melanie says
Beth says
Athena or Rhea
Em says
Theresa says
I am adopting a female chocolate american cocker spaniel and I have no idea what to name her. Any suggestions?
Pat says
Hershey like the candy bar.
Cathy says
David Rugh says
Anne says
We’re getting a male Scottie next week and are having trouble coming up with a name. Got any good ideas? Riley and Eddie are on the list of possibilities, but nothing is hitting a home run yet. Help!!
Lucy says
I love the name Eddie, I think it would suit a Scottie really well!
Sheila says
How about Kya???
Haili says
I’m really thinking about getting a little Teacup Chihuahua. I’m not sure on the color or gender yet. I’m also thinking about getting a Miniature Fox Terrier and an Australian Shepherd (which will definitely be Blue Merle colored!). Any name ideas for them?
Brenda Casillas says
Angel says
I’m adopting an adorable male teacup blue-Merle blue eyed Pomeranian. Any ideas for his name? I was thinking something royal sounding. My son said I should name him bear.
Skyler says
Sky or blue maybe ?????
Rich says
I would go with Merlin…and it goes with the Merle.
Ryan Lancaster says
Getting a white and black pitbull blacspot around his eyes thought of names such as Hercules storm Cheech Titan and pres. As in president but not sure what would fit best I wanna make it an uncommon unusual very rarely used dog name any suggestions
Morgan says
Hey guys me and boyfriend are getting a Goldendoodle puppy in a couple weeks but can’t decide a name any suggestions ?
Emmely says
That sounds amazing – good luck! I really want a Goldendoodle, but right now my heart is stolen by my dog Nano, who’s a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever! The names I personally LOVE is:
Boy names: Leo, Billy, Boomer, Francis, Léon, Charles, Jacques, Blaise, Lewis, Carlo, Lion, Walter.
Girl names: Ella, Chloé, Dion, Céline, Angelique, Gigi.
Laura says
I have 2 doodles! Both a little over a year old, Ava and Ella! Good luck with your new puppy & congratulations 🙂
Sara says
I am planning on a puppy and have thought of a NSDTR they are so pretty
Jess says
Ours is Caliper, and he is an awesome dog, very gentle and affectionate. It is great to keep it original so it is not like having a kid or neighbor dog all with the named Riley.
Mary says
We are getting a new little Tri-color Corgi soon, he’s lively but also cuddly… any name ideas? Thanks!😊
Haili says
Aww that sounds so cute! Why don’t you name him biscuit? I think that’d be a cute name for him!
Yzabella says
How About Cuddles?
Sara says
What about Louie? That’s my Tri color corgi name is, or cookie for a girl
Marty says
I have a Lakeland Terrier called Ted it suits him because he’s a total wee guy he likes cars, beer, football and girls.
My Miniature Schnauzer is called Bing. Again it just suits him.
I have a colleague who has a Springer / Schnauzer cross called Badger which I think is a cool name.
Annabelle says
Treacle ( like the pudding)
Jay says
My partner and i have just bought a 8 week old puppy black labradoodle, we cannot narrow down the name selection, we have got Toby, Nelson, cheddar and edison.
Please help with any suggestions or even completely new suggestions!
Gab says
Black Labrador u say I think Toby is best hoppe I helped
Raw says
My friend had cross breed “border collie and golden retriever “ his name is Toby and another Akita his name is Sky.
🙂 toby is a very nice name
Kat says
Hey everyone, I’m getting a Boston terrier soon and I’m not sure what to name him. I was thinking moki but I’m not sure. Maybe you have an idea? Thanks
Bri says
I think something like Boo, Ollie or Randall would fit a Boston Terrier! Good luck guys!
Gab says
MayBe Oliver
Lisa says
No I like Moki. Go with your gut feeling.
Nancy Straface says
How about “Beans”? Like in Boston beans. I knew a Boston Terrier named that and he was so cute in his red sweater.
Nancy Straface says
Beans—-like Boston Beans
Terry Campbell says
I named my precious one Tilley. My best doggie yet.
Karelle says
I have 8 dogs and 17 animals in total. I have two coming that don’t have names yet but this is my list hope mine inspire someone!
Zelda/lab rescue
Ivy/border collie
Joker/border collie
Texas/toy Aussie
Dallas/ toy Aussie
Houston/ toy Aussie
Django/ Rottweiler
Crown/ chihuahua
Pilot/ tabby cat
Clover/ bunny
Honey/ guinea pig
Peanut/ quarter horse
Tuff/ quarter horse
Apache/ quarter horse
Phoenix/ mini horse
I don’t have names for my baby silver fox or my African striped weasel but I have a few in mind. I had picked out Aslan for my weasel from narnia. But turned out she’s a girl so I’m rethinking that. As for my baby fox I don’t have him yet and the name thing is driving me bonkers lol hope my list helps!
Pat says
You just said the name “Bonkers”!!
Gab says
The silver Fox could be silver or tilver or crystal. The weasil could be loni
Shirli says
The silver fox could be Sterling
Melinda Habekost says
Rita is a great name for a ferret
Erika csigi says
Mmmmm she Has a point unless iT was rescue. Ferret is very unkind, dont you think?
Tina says
I have 12 dogs atm trying to sell a few pups….but the ones that are mine or ours are
Augustus (Gus)
SarahK says
Favorite dog I ever had was a sweet female golden retriever we rescued. We named her Gili which is Hebrew for ‘eternal joy’. One of her front legs was only 3/4 length so she had a handicap with a strange gate but she was the BEST pupster. Her birth defect made her unacceptable to lots of potential families adopting from the local shelter, but she had NO emotional baggage.
I highly recommend Gili (we said it like jilly) as a great name for a joyful dog or a dog who brings joy to your heart. ❤️ RIP Gili
Sandy says
This made my bawl…. I am getting a pup and naming her this Gili … thank you for sharing THIS!
Candi says
That is probably the sweetest sounding name I have heard. My boyfriend and I just got a new basset hound baby girl. The boyfriends father found her abandoned at his work site. So shes also a rescue puppy. We have been searching for a name, and this one is high up on the list. Thank you so much. <3
Susan says
Great name for male bichon is “Becker”. People called him Becker the Bichon. Also would introduce him as Becker with a “B”. You can imagine what some people called him. My bichon, Becker, was one of a kind. Lost him 4 yrs ago & still cry. I’ll c him in heaven. And anyone who says dogs don’t go to heaven can go to, well you know where !!!!
Jenny Lovins says
I feel you! My little man Garyboy was my heart and soul. His foster mom named him and everyone loved his name and would think it was funny when i would call his medicine in. So when i picked it up the pharmacist would yell Gary middle name boy which wasnt how you read it but everyone would giggle. He was a chocolate tan and white chihuahua who lived with me from his 1st bday to his last at 16 years old he went blind in both eyes and still was going healthy and strong until the last day. May he rest in piece.
Tara LaRose says
All dogs go to heaven!!
Sarah says
We currently have a brown gentle mini labradoodle called Dougal! Arriving in a week is our new boy pup from Romania… soft brown/grayish
Any suggestions????!
Nene says
Shiro says
Alex says
Apollo (primary Greek sun god)
Helios (Greek sun god that pulls the sun across the sky in his chariot)
Ganymede (orangish moon of Jupiter)
Demeter (goddess of the harvest, ie fields of gold)
Icarus (flew too close to the sun)
Ra (Egyptian sun god)
Aurum (Latin for gold, right there in the periodic table)
Zeus/Jupiter (king of the gods)
Hades/Pluto (god of the underworld, including precious metals)
Soleil (French for sun)
Halcyon (“golden days”)
Prospero (from Shakespeare’s The Tempest)
Titian (combo of red and yellow, also the name of a renaissance painter)
Aurelia/Aurelie/Aurelio/Auriel (Latin for golden)
If you really want to make a splash… Lucifer.
Hear me out, among its definitions are ‘morning star (through association of Venus),’ ‘light-bearer,’ and ‘light bringer.’ Also, I doubt there are many other pets of any species with the same name.
Yumna Ghazali says
Hey guys!
Would love your input!
We hare getting a Hungrain Vizsla. I love that his/her coat is best described as golden/bronze. Would love a name suggestion around the coast color
Female and male name suggestion would be awsome!
Pavni Yadav says
I think blondie or nene or lola or maybe bailey would be cuter
Annabelle says
Treacle ( like the pudding ) I also like clover and tinker bell
Laura B. says
I have had dogs over my life named Warlock, Nimble, Honey, Max, Sampson and Delilah (brother and sister), and Sheba. My dog now is named Shahara – she is sand colored, and I like fantasy reading so it fits both of us. My new puppy is half St. Bernard and half ??? Any suggestions?
Dana Smith says
Could you do some for a pit bull brown eyes
Suzan says
We just rescued a Blue Merle schnauzer 6 months old. I can’t believe it. We lost Buster, he was a schnauzer. I still cry over him.
This little guy is so sweet, the people couldn’t keep him.
I am having such a hard time picking a name for him.
victoria Worrel Brake says
How about Schotzy?
Debbie Kirkland says
Name him Merle..as in Merle Haggard the country music singer
Martine says
I hope he is ok, Merle’s can have serious health issues
Lisa says
Azure, Cobalt, Balu, Skylar, Cosmo
J says
tim says
get a boy and name it bullt
Ann Kaplan says
I’ve had 3 soft coated Wheatens. All were or are sweet. Their names all girls: Scruffy, Mischief, and Madigan.
Jinji Bakker says
4 Danes now- [fawn/ and bridle I whelped] with breeder Champagne Wishes– Caviar Dreams— A big 200 lb BLUE boy— Cobalt Casanova– And a Merliquin {blue eyes] Tallulah Blue— but have had 8– I lean towards different and uncommon names—
Molly says
Can you suggest a good name for female beagle, shades of brown, golden eyes
Lisa says
Snoopy, Peanut
J says
Betty Davis Bet for short
Sandra says
Our boy dog is called Meme:-)I used to baby talk to him in Swedish and all my boyfriend heard was mememememe so meme it was:-)
Wendy says
George Silva says
We are getting a red lab in the spring and because we are a hockey family, we are naming him “BAUER”
Lori says
I had a chihuahua named Everybody
ray Bowen says
I have a Chihuahua Red aka Butterball
Nicola says
Awww that’s lovely. Bet you can’t wait xxx
Hi says
Sara says
When I get a dog, it’s name will be “10 miles”, So I can say I walk ’10 miles” every day. Lol
Joan says
That’s a great name. ?
Ara says
I am getting a yellow lab puppy any name suggestions please
Shannon MacLellan says
Seth says
Getting a female golden doodle. Looking for some really unique names!
Christine says
J says
J says
Kaitlyn says
Best name ever! Lmao, it took me a minute to understand that but I got after 10 miles of walking?… I tried to do a pun but it didn’t work out as well as I thought it would?
Angie griffin says
Our little westie was called porridge ..suited him to the ground
Angel says
I’m thinking of getting a Norfolk terrier or Maltese terrier what could I name these dogs?
Lissa says
I had x2 Maltese’s and they were the loves of my life. A truly wonderful breed. As they were brother and sister felt the names should be go-2-gether names. So, I came up with Nip + Tuck. Nipper + Tucker is what I ended up calling them Nipper + Tucker. Good Luck
Ashley Kay says
Bubbles was my 1st American Bulldog and LugNut is my send American Bulldog I love both my girls very much. May BubbleWubs Rest In Peace
Kaylee says
We named our dogs Shelly, Lucy, Malibu, Buck, Autumn, Sandy, Everest, Bella, Roxie, Piper and Hunter. They are all our kids, and are loved to the moon and back and ever further.
Isabella says
Wow that is a lot of dogs ????
Daniella says
I am looking into a champagne color or grey newfoundland, female, name suggestions?
God says
taylor says
im getting a male texan heeler catahoola mix and he is mostly black with brown tip ears i want a cool name that isnt very common
love dogs says
a good unique name is raja ( means prince) really good name for a boy dog
Lyn says
How about Moses?
Dog Lover says
I am thinking of getting 1 out of 4 dog from the shelter. But I am most likely getting the Chihuahua.
I might be getting a male brown Chihuahua mix. I’m looking for a unique name. Please help me find one.
I might get a Male white Boxer mix with black spots. I need some unique names please help.
Or I might get a female unknown mix dog. She is currently named Shanty at the shelter. Any unique names?
Lastly I might get a male black unknown mix dog with white and gray strips of fur showing. Any unique name suggestions?
dog people says
You could name the first one Milo. The second one Spot. the third one Molly. and the last one Bentley.
Alison says
Shanty is an awesome name!!!! I am awaiting my new Scottish Terrier to be born Shamty is now on the top of my list for a name either girl or boy! ????
Linda says
My Shih Tzu was named Shanty. Smart and Beautiful! I got many compliments on her name ! She is in Heaven now.
Alison says
We had a male boxer we called Toro – meaning bull – suited him to a tee he was such a character, miss him dearly
Doda says
We have a
Ale Yorkie Poo a
Miniture Yorkie and
Miniture poodle mix he is 4 pounds. Very hard to House train so we named him ?LSD “little Sh..ty Dude!
Jillian Harmon says
I want to get a beagle puppy I don’t know if I want to girl or boy yet but if I got one or the other please give me unique names for a female beagle and a male beagle I want them to be very unique that very classy that people down south are like oh my goodness that’s a beautiful name for an animal please give me beautiful unique classy names for a female and male beagle thank you so much
rena says
heaven or angel would be beautiful for the female or Faith. I would suggest getting a male because in general they are easier then females. for male names you could do hunter Bailey or Percy, flicker, Zeus.
Nikki says
I had a female beagle named nika she really suited it. Sadly we pit her to sleep last month at 17 years
stormfast255 says
sorry for ur loss. i lost my dogs Blacky and Oreo a few years back. i miss them so much. may the 3 of them rest in peace, where they will be loved by little children in Heaven.
Mike says
I named my baby boy Oliver
Lori says
I have a pit bull/weimaraner mix. She is brindle with a lot of white. Her name is Squirrel. She is goofy, extremely smart, and a short attention span. Her name fits perfectly. Even when she’s naughty it’s hard to be mad at a dog as cute as her named Squirrel. My husband also liked the name Noodles.
Surfergirl says
Noodles. That is a hilarious name. I love it.
Brianna says
Getting a new puppy, Australian Shepard cross border collie. She’s mostly black and brown with a white strip down her nose. Any name suggestions plz?
Marilyn says
Doda says
Deborah says
It looks to me like many people on this site have rescues. You can rescue a dog and know what breed it is or mix it is. Give people the benefit of the doubt. There are a lot of animal lovers and that’s what matters.
Linda says
My rescue Staffie mix is named Joy. Everyone says it fits her as she is joyful
Trudy Dellert says
I adopted yeasterday . What she looks like. ? Staffordshire terrier. Age. We are going with 2 years. Name we are still working on a name. She is a fawn color. In the future I will say this knowledge like it is fact. Be cause I love her. That is fact.
Yzabella says
Maybe you could name her bambi?
Lori says
I’m adopting my third rescue the 19th of this month. They make the BEST dogs!!! I have Buddy and Ginger and trying to come up with a name for my new little girl. She is a black and white pit mix and has the most adorable face. Can’t wait ❤️❤️❤️
Trina M Horner says
I had a red Merle, her name was Sidney and l miss her so much! blue & Amber eyes best loving dog! Good luck! Mine lived almost 11 years, heart attack. That’s the sad part, going to get a Black German Shepherd great guard dogs
stormfast255 says
im thinkin Trickle
Nolleen says
We just adopted a 6 month old female Beagle yesterday, from the same animal shelter that we adopted our Manchester Terrier (Maggie) from. Lost our female dachshund (Sophie) a few months ago. She was 13. Trying to come up with a name for our new baby girl. The shelter had a name attached to her cage (Beatrice)…or Bea. But she doesn’t respond to that, so I’m thinking that name wasn’t her real name. Maybe “Lucy”???
Carol says
My beagle was Lucy. Our family has had other female beagles named Chelsey, Sue Z, Hunter, Tracker, Shelby, River and Blaze. Can you guess which ones my son named? His next one will be Fisher. (We have had beagles for 30 years).
I just bought a lemon female beagle and can’t decide on her name. We usually live with them a bit to see what name fits them and to agree on the name.
Roxann Wright says
How about Akiko. It means baby in Japenese.
I had a cocker that we named Kojo Akiko. My baby in Japenese.
I just adopted a 7 year old male chihuahua mix and we named him Qynn.
Toni Wiggins says
I own 4 rescues. And one is now my service dog.
Elgato Conbotas says
I tried adopting and guess what I had to fill out an app for EVERY single shelter, for EVERY dog that I was trying to even look at because the info they give is very minimal. Instead of having ONE general application for ALL the shelters, so at least you can see the dogs, then ask ALL that you want on a final application. NO, that would be too simple. Anyway by the time they reply, because they take their time, after all they are ALL volunteers; the dog is gone. So I went out drove 4 hours and bought one of my liking, 2200 cash no app needed. HAPPY WIFE HAPPY LIFE, that much I’ve learned.
Jenny says
All rescues arw run differently and unfortunately paperwork is for your protection as well as the animals
laura says
I agree, the adoption process is lengthy and complicated. its easier now to find a purebred and take home same day. Something needs to be done, to make it easier to adopt a rescue. I understand some folks are irresponsible. but instead of making adoption difficult for the good folks. why cant we find a way to make spay and nueter free for all, and laws that require all pet owners to have their pets spay and nuetered unless they have a breeders license.
linda says
Good for you. I know your wife is going to happy. It was worth it!
Snicker says
Most here seem to be getting rescues!! Stop assuming bad all the time and just because a person does BUY a dog doesn’t mean they haven’t helped another!
Susan Reynolds says
we tried to adopt…good luck with that…every time we fell in love with one an tried to just meet it…they told us..fill out the forms, an wait,you Might get a meet an greet…never heard from any of them…
Gdoger says
I got a blue heeler cross collie named her billy girl. She has so much energy and is the sweetest thing ever. She loves to jump and can grab my shoulders and hang on it’s adorable
Kristen says
I’m getting a Female Mini Bernedoodle puppy, She’s Black and white and I’m thinking about naming her Paris or Ellie! I still don’t know about the name yet. Got any cute, but unique dog names
Laura says
We just lost our mini goldendoodle, she was black and her name was Liberty. We are going to pick up a new puppy from the same breeder…her name is going to be Laverne
Leah says
Oh no I hope you find her…
Milsa says
By lost she means died. RIP little doggy ❤️
Maria says
Encore and echo
Julie says
I have a Siberian husky with blue eyes , she’s just gorgeous she got the name of Mali-Blu
Shaelynrae says
I’m getting a new puppy soon but I can’t decide on a name. I don’t know if I should get a boy or girl yet, the puppy is a Staffordshire bull terrier Dalmatian, please help!
Skye says
A cute name is Kozy, short for Kozette. Or Indie for a boy.
Jo jo says
B says
Our beloved goldens names were Brody and Jazz. Looking for the perfect name again.
Glad I found your site, all suggestions are appreciated.
Jayla says
I have a Great Dane puppy. He is black and a little small for his age but he is jut so loving and a big goof ball! His name is boone and I think I told suits him very very well
Cat Cooper says
Lost my sweet girl of 15 years..she was a whippet, fox terrier mix. I named her Mini. My last name is Cooper. She was the only MiniCooper I could afford. Best girl.ever! Rip my sweet Mini.
Rachel Walton says
Love this ?
Betty Long says
???? so sweet.
Jaz says
I am waiting to receive my puppy Pitbull it’s a very dark tan and we are struggling to find a name please help !!
Nikki says
I had the most beautiful staff and I called him Troy. I like Roman too.
Linda says
Carole says
How about Malikai
abby says
im getting a mixed puppy and he’s going to stay under 15 pounds and he is black and white i think imma naming him buddha
Chele says
Chandra says
I have a tan female chihuahua and I’m having the hardest time tryna pick out a name for her I was gonna do Bella but a lot of lil puppy’s and dogs are named tht could y’all help me pick out a unique name for her? She is very spunkie and hyper! Thank you!
Kelly says
I would do the 7 dwarfs:) from Snow White:)
Ilovedogs says
You should name her hope.
Mason says
Had a golden retriever named Sampson. He was a big, strong old boy for a dog. Thought the name was just fitting for the farm born son.
Jillian says
I have a Blue Heeler Corgi mix that I named Lark. She’s the sweetest thing ever.
Jo says
I named my pug shitzu cross Boseley. It sprang to mind when I saw him and it stuck in my mind.
Evan says
Hehe i named my pupper blackie when hes white lul hehe
Mila says
Does anybody have a german sheeperd and a husky mixed so i need i name badyly and its a newvorn
Sherri Maurer says
I have a Rottweiler and Husky mix. Named her Neeko. Also had a German Shepard and Rottweiler mix, named her Najee.
Sandra J Ellis says
We have 2 Siberian Huskies and 1 husky shepherd mix. Her name is Wynter. Then we have Sasha and one without a name yet. She’s 8 weeks old.
Carmen says
I had a male shepherd husky mix. The name that came to me at first sight was Homey 🤗
Lucy Lynn says
I am getting a male shih tzu does anyone have anymore name sugestions
Kelly M Zirnheld says
I am thinking about getting a Male shih tzu too!!!! The names ike phineas or finn, brody, cash, Ryder, Gatsby, and jasper. Lol. How will I choose?????????
Alison says
I bought my mum a lil Shiz Tzu boy he is tiny – she named him Teddy
Sarah says
My delightful male German Shepherd is named Saber. It reminds me of knights of old suggesting loyalty, strength, value, honesty, protector and committment…all of which embody Saber’s personality.
Lucy Lynn says
that is a lovely name
the guy says