Full grown Cavapoo dogs can weigh anywhere from 6 to 18lbs, and be from 10 to 15 inches tall. That’s a big range! Your Cavapoo puppy’s eventual adult size will depend partially on the type of Poodle parent they have, but also on how you raise them. Today we are going to take a look at how to predict your Cavapoo puppy’s full grown size, and how to help them to grow up to be the healthiest possible adult.
- When is a Cavapoo puppy full grown?
- Cavapoo size, weight and height
- Full grown Mini vs Teacup Cavapoo adult size
- Full grown Cavapoo diet and exercise
- When is your Cavapoo full grown?
Full Grown Cavapoo Puppies
At around eighteen months old your Cavapoo puppy will be full grown. Most dogs will reach their true final size by two years old, and smaller pups like Cavapoos are likely to do so even sooner than that.
They will have emerged from the gangly teen years into their final height. Although it might be a few more months before they fill out into their final adult weight.
Cavapoo Size
The adorable Cavapoo is bred by combining a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a Poodle. The Poodle parent is either a Miniature or Toy Poodle. Which is what causes such a big variation in their height.
A first generation cross Cavapoo with a Toy Poodle parent and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel parent will be somewhere between 6-18lbs. This will vary depending upon which of their parents they take after the most.
You’ll find that they reach their full grown height at no more than 13 inches tall. Puppies that have a Miniature Poodle as one of their parents will often be heavier, but not necessarily taller.
Full Grown Miniature Cavapoo
The Mini Cavapoo full grown will be larger than the Toy Cavapoo in general. Weighing between 10 and 18lbs. They will be somewhere between 10 and 15 inches tall, probably falling closer to the middle of the range as this is where their parents’ heights meet. Cavaliers usually being 12 – 13 inches tall at the shoulders.
But there is some crossover in Toy and Mini Cavapoo height and weight, unlike with a purebred Poodle. That’s because the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can be heavier than either of these smaller varieties of Poodle. So the average of each mix can be in either size range!
Teacup Cavapoo Adult Size
Teacup is a word that either inspires adoration or horror when it’s connected to dogs, depending on who you chat to! Unfortunately, although teeny tiny pups are very cute to look at, they are often packed with health issues. This is due to the breeding practices required to keep them super small.
A teacup Cavapoo might weigh less than the Toy Poodle’s tiniest 6lbs and be shorter than 10 inches tall. But this isn’t a good thing for your diminutive dog!
Be very wary of any breeder that markets their Cavapoos as Teacup Cavapoos. You might get a dog that grows to less than 6lbs, but the likelihood of them being as healthy as their larger counterparts is slim. Especially when the worst health issue affecting the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is caused by the small size of their skull. The risk just isn’t worth taking!
Is My Cavapoo Overweight Or Underweight?
If your dog is a lot slimmer or larger than the weight range we’ve looked at today, then it might be time to consider adjusting their diet and exercise. If it’s a sudden or very dramatic change, have a chat to your veterinarian before you work on their fitness yourself. Just to make sure it’s not a medical issue.
A Healthy Diet
Once your pup reaches 2 years of age you wouldn’t expect them to gain any further weight. Unless of course they were underweight for some reason before then.
If your dog is getting a little on the hefty side, then you need to reduce their daily food ration by a third. Once they have reached an ideal weight again you can gradually add in a little more food until they are settled at a healthy weight.
The Importance Of Exercise
Exercise is an important part of caring for any dog, but when it comes to weight loss diet is always a more useful tool. You can’t generally get those extra pounds of your pup through runs, walks and games alone. Although it’s all good fun and likely to result in a happier dog!
How Big Will My Full Grown Cavapoo Get?
If you have a first generation Cavapoo, bred from a Toy or Mini Poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, you can narrow down their size with a fair degree of accuracy.
However, their size gets harder to predict when you get further down the generations, mixing Cavapoos together where the proportions of each parent breed are varied. But you can still be confident that it will fall between the broad band of 6-18lbs in weight and 10 – 15 inches in height.
If you’d prefer a dog a little smaller than a Cavapoo, but with a similar temperament, check out how they compare to a Maltipoo here.
Suzann Kenna says
Looking for and adult female cavapoo
Betsy moulis says
Looking for a healthy female around 2-3 years old. I’m an older senior and lost my Jack Russell at 20 yrs. Have been searching sites for months. They all come up with new puppies.
Susan Potter says
Are there any for sale in the West Country
Charlene Casanova says
Help Looking for adult Felmale